Saturday, August 24, 2013

Blood Tests before you get in diet

Everything should start right , so before you start your diet or deciding specific kind of foods to lose weight you should know What are the blood tests you should do before getting in something like losing weight ... From start and we decided to get you healthy not the issue to lose fats and feel bad , but also I need you to lose weight and feel perfect .. So I have listed for you some blood tests that you can make before you start losing your weight . Show these results to your doctor and from there he can lead you to the right direction and you will for sure feel better .
Here we go , Below is the list of blood tests needed to be done before you lose your weight
1. Vitamin D levels, blood counts and cholesterol
2. The Complete Blood Count (CBC)
3. The Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)
4. Lipid Profile
You can consider these tests as just an ordinary tests but there are some tests that you should do to be at the safe zone and here they are;
1. Complete Thyroid Panel , You should know that this test is really very important before you get into diet and you should know that dieting affecting thyroid levels and the way to do this test that you eat very well 2 weeks before doing this test to make sure that you will get the right results.
2. Cortisol/Endocrine
3. Male/Female Hormones , Including tests – Estradiol, Testosterone, Total & Free, DHEA, HGH, Progesterone, SHBG
4. Autoimmune/Digestion Testing
5. Allergies
These are the tests that you should put in mind when you decide to start your dieting program , I just want to keep you safely and healthy . Hope you all get the best results , I f you already know an additional test please don't hesitate to mention it ...

Weight Loss Quotes

Today I'm coming with great quotes that will make your spirit high and give you the will to lose your weight , Here are many but before reading them I would like you to read them from your heart and your mind so we can get result at the end that you will lose your high weight .
Now Its show time ,
“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” ~William James
“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” ~Vincent Van Gogh
“Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.” ~Doug Firebaugh
“It’s not who you think you are that holds you back; it’s who you think you’re not.”
“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” ~Mark Victor Hansen
“You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change.” ~Les Brown
“The key to change… is to let go of fear.” ~Rosanne Cash
“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” ~Dr. Denis Waitley
“Stay committed to your decisions; but stay flexible in your approach.” ~Tony Robbins
“You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.” ~Rosalynn Carter
“The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day you’re off it.” ~Jackie Gleason
“A diet is the penalty we pay for exceeding the feed limit.”
“I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number you get in a diamond.” ~Mae West
“Believe while others are doubting.” ~William Arthur Ward
“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” ~Earl Nightingale
“If it weren’t for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn’t get any exercise at all.” ~Joey Adams
SO Now Are you ready to lose your weight , check the answer from the bottom of your heart and start doing what you feel is right and helpful for you .


Today I will only mention a good story for you , I want all of who caring about himself/herself health to read it carefully and learn from it , Here it is ;
Oneday there was a very fat man who was working at normal job and live normal life , his friends at work were having someone to love , each of them except him , he always afraid that his weight could make him a problem and not all girls will accept him , he started with internet and doing chat with girls and once he fall in love with one girl she asks him to see him and when she sees him she just laugh and turn around , I know its not true love because if you loved someone you will never care about his face or look , but that is what happened at this story , any girl just laughs at him when she sees his fatty body , he lived alone among his foods and just extracting his anger at this food and his weight is increasing , once he remembered a friend of him that she was a girl , she was born with him at the same street and the same building , they were playing together when they were young , he tried to reach her and he succeed , she was working at other country so he talked with her over phone and she was happy to know him again , both fall in love , but he started lieing saying that he is thin but he was not , and like everytime she came to his country and wanted to see him , he met her but not as her lover but as a friend of her lover and he lied once again , the girl was angry that she did not meet her lover and just met his friend , she was upset , he was OK with that as long as he will not lose her , but oneday she knew that he is her lover and this is what his body not like he mentioned to her , she decided to change him and she succeed , she asked him to lose weight for her and she will keep her love with him , she does not want him to lose weight because a reason related to her but only becuase her dad was dead from his fatty body and he was suffering a disease , so she dóesnot like to lose her lover becuase of the same reason , he respected her and really started to lose weight and he really becomes thin and they both got married .
The point from the story not true love LOL , but it shows that whenever you willing to lose weight you will do that , for sure there is a reason at the life worth to lose weight for , maybe this reason is person or something you really love , maybe this reason is your lover , your mum , your dad , your bro, your sis , your favourite game , your favourite clothes or YOUR LIFE , I think its really worth much much more , So you are the only person who decide what wants to be Healthy or Sick. So just start losing weight for both of you men and women

Make FUN from your fatty body and Dance

Make FUN from your fatty body
Are you feeling that you are fat enough to be funny , you may have ability to make fun of your fatty body , you can dance , sing and love ...etc with your fatty body , but dó you think its fair enough to make fun of your fatty body while your body is suffering from many diseases . today i'm coming to you with very funny training that in same time make you lose your weight , So now you can make fun of yourself while you lose weight and without any fat loss pills .
Best Funny Training While Losing Weight
DANCING YEAH REALLY DANCING . I have added for you some dancing styles that will help you lose your weight while you make some FUN , This is awesome and its also one of weight loss secrets
Dance Style #1: Belly Dancing
Dance Style #2: Hip Hop
Dance Style #3: Zumba
Dance Style #4: Ballroom
Dance Style #5: Bollywood
Dance Style #6: African Dance
YOU JUST NEED SOME ENERGY AT YOUR BODY AND YOUR SOUL , Don't think its difficult for you to do NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. This is one of weight loss patch .

More Than 7 Odd Foods that KILL Your Fats?

7 Odd Foods that KILL Your Fat?
Have you ever thought about what kinds of foods that can make you lose weight but keeping you also healthy and beautiful . I will list you some foods that can make you healthy and destroy your fats and their taste is very delicious ...
Here is the list coming
1. Avocados: These little suckers are loaded with two nutrients that are KEY to killing belly fat: hunger-crushing fiber (11 to 17 grams per avocado!), and monounsaturated fats, which studies have shown to actually “spot reduce” belly fat. Zowie!
2. Peanut Butter: Okay, not just peanut butter, but mostly any seeds and nuts (these are the best): pistachios, walnuts, almonds (or almond butter), pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds. Why? They keep you full and satisfied for long periods of time, and they’re stuffed with healthy, belly fat burner and minerals.
3. Crisco: KIDDING! Just seeing if you were paying attention. That stuff is deadly. Healthy oils like olive oil, coconut oil and brand names like Udo’s Oil and Barlean’s Oil (I like the swirl flavors) actually help you burn fat by supplying healthy oils your body needs to burn body blubber.
4. These Veggies: I’ve got to thank my buddy Mike Geary for this one. Turns out certain vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, and cabbage contain special phytonutrients, such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which help to fight against environmental estrogens that can add belly fat. Mom was right…eat your veggies!
5. Omelets: Eggs aren’t bad, they’re nutrient-dense and loaded with belly-burning protein, vitamins B6, B12, A, D, E, and K, folate, choline, lutein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. Plus, they keep you full for long periods of time. Choose eggs that come from free-range chickens. You’ll get more healthy nutrients.
6. Dark Chocolate: That is not a typo. Dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants (nearly eight times the number found in strawberries) and it contains stimulants that can have a positive effect on fat burning, including theobromine and caffeine. It also contains a nice dose of oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fat. Make sure to choose the 78% or higher cocoa levels for best results.
7. Oatmeal: Packed with fiber and whole-grain goodness, you can’t go wrong. Just be sure to avoid the processed, high-sugar junk out there and stick to slow-cook oats. Add a dash of cinnamon, some walnuts, berries, and a natural sweetener to taste. BAM! Good stuff.
8. Green Tea: Not only does it contain a potent antioxidant, many scientific studies have linked green tea to increased fat burning, including a report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that found green tea extract boosted the daytime metabolism of test subjects by 35- 43%.
9. Beans: Black beans, navy beans, refried beans, and lima beans all have 6 or more grams of fiber per ½ cup. Fiber can clean your system of pounds of “toxic waste” and reduce your belly bulge in a big way.
10. Berries: Strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are loaded with fiber (which slows sugar absorption), and they’re packed with vitamins that can fight cravings (cravings can come from vitamin deficiencies).
11. Cinnamon: Researchers have found that cinnamon contains a type of antioxidant that increases insulin sensitivity and effectively helps to stabilize blood sugar. Bottom line…you’ll store less belly fat.
12. Chili Peppers: Studies have shown that the active ingredient in chili peppers and powder, something called capsaicin, increases calorie-burning, stabilizes blood sugar levels (which decreases fat storage), and is a potent antioxidant. Add some of this “spice” to your life.
13. Yogurt: Most regular yogurt is bad for your belly. It’s loaded with belly-bulging sugar (real or artificial) that you want to avoid it. However, Greek yogurts like Stoneyfield Farms Oikos Greek Yogurt (plain) are loaded with probiotics that fight belly bulge.
14. Wild Salmon: Hands-down one of the best belly-blasting foods because of its protein and high omega-3 fatty acid content. This is like a “double shotgun approach” to killing belly fat. Many people are deficient in omega-3s and when they add them to their diet the fat can really start coming off.
15. Giant Turkey Legs: You got me. I’m pulling your leg. (Get it?) I’m not just talking about turkey meat (white preferred), but any lean protein source is a good belly-blasting food. This includes wild salmon, free-range chicken, whey protein powders, and most especially grass-fed beef because it contains natural CLA—a fat that studies have actually shown to burn fat. The interesting thing about protein is your body will burn off as much as 30% of its calories after you eat it.

Lose Your Weight but Keep Your Beauty

Lose Your Weight but Keep Your Beauty
Many of you want to lose weight but very afraid from their look and that they lose their beauty , there are many ways that allow you to lose weight without make your face thin or make you lose your beauty , so its only the time to decide that you want to lose weight .
You are the only person who should will to lose weight and make sure that you should use the right ways to lose your weight .. not only any way you find over internet , you should make sure that you will not harm yourself or your health .. so first think about yourself before deciding anything else .
You may think that people don't like you while you are fat , Yes Is the word fat harm you , IT SHOULD NOT because you have solution between your hands and you can decide what you are willing to be .
Some people have many diseases because of their weight so they should not stop thinking to lose their weight , you should stay healthy , you should avoid all the diseases that you will have just because you are fat. you can find natural health magazine that would help you out and many other ways .
One of my friends got married and she was very fat , she and her husband are willing to have children and build their family , she now staying 5 years of her marriage and can't be pregnant becuase of her weight , her weight made her a problem with her Womb as she already has fat at her Womb and she can't have children because of that , so she after 5 years of her mariage she decided not to stop at this level and she should do something , she should lose this weight so she can have her babies playing around her , she started losing her weight and by the time she felt better and better and now she can have babies . She just followed weight loss tips for women and got the result she wants
So now what are you waiting for , if you already are fat , so what are you waiting for , to die because of diseases , don't ignore that , you should struggle and fight your fatty body and start from your heart that you are willing to lose weight .